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刘丽君, 王思思, 张质明, 董音
绿色雨水基础设施 (GSI) 具有重要的雨洪调蓄功能,是海绵城市建设的重要组成部分。总结国内在构建多尺度 GSI 过程中面临的挑战,提出 GSI 需结合城市绿地系统规划来实现。阐述了多尺度 GSI 的构成和功能,及其与海绵城市雨水系统的关系。从构成要素、功能、布局等方面,论述了 GSI 与绿地系统规划的关系,提出了两者在规划目标和指标、布局等方面的结合要点,包括对现行绿地系统规划指标的保留、新型指标的增添等。提出了新、旧城区绿地系统应分别以目标和问题为导向,根据城区绿地系统特点进行规划建设。提出了各类绿地 GSI 需结合其功能进行建设的要点。
关键词:  绿色基础设施  景观基础设施  绿色雨水基础设施  雨洪管理  海绵城市  城市绿地系统
基金项目:住房和城乡建设部项目“《城市绿地雨水控制利用规划设计导则》编制研究”( 城建 [2015] 园林绿化第 06 号 ),北京市自然科学基金“气候变化对北 京典型排污河自净过程的影响分析研究”(8154044),北京未来城市设计高精尖创新中心“海绵城市建设与水质水量风险防控”(UDC2016040100),北京市优秀 人才青年拔尖团队 (2015000026833T0000)
The Exploration of Planning Implementing Approaches for Multiple-scale Urban Green Stormwater Infrastructure
LIU Li-jun, WANG Si-si, ZHANG Zhi-ming, DONG Yin
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) has the important function of stormwater storage, which is a key component of Sponge City construction. The challenges in the construction of multiple-scale GSI in China are summarized, and then how to implement GSI through the integration with urban green space system planning is put forward. The composition and function of multiple-scale GSI and its relationship with the stormwater system of sponge city are elaborated. The relationship between GSI and green space system planning is discussed from the aspects of composition elements, functions, layout and so on, the points of combination in the planning objective, indicator, and layout are proposed, including remaining existing relevant indicators and adding new indicators. The new and existing urban green space system construction should be objective-oriented and problem-oriented correspondingly, and the planning points of urban green space system are analyzed. The key points of implementation for various types of green spaces based on their functions are put forwarded.
Key words:  green infrastructure  landscape infrastructure  green stormwater infrastructure  stormwater management  sponge city  urban green space system
LIU Li-jun,WANG Si-si,ZHANG Zhi-ming,DONG Yin.The Exploration of Planning Implementing Approaches for Multiple-scale Urban Green Stormwater Infrastructure[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(1):123-128.