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周宏俊1, 苏日1, 黄晓2
关键词:  风景园林  园林史  止园  理水  水系  水景
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“基于中日古典园林比较的借景理法的数字化研究”( 编号 51508392);上海市浦江人才计划“松江传统造园与自然环境的关联性及其设计方法研究”(15PJC096)
A Study on the Water Arrangement of Zhi Yuan in Changzhou, Ming Dynasty
ZHOU Hong-jun1, SU Ri1, HUANG Xiao2
1.Tongji University;2.Beijing Forestry University
Zhi Yuan is a famous garden in Changzhou of Ming Dynasty. Based on the study of Zhi Yuan in Garden Painting In Old China, with a focus on the water arrangement of Zhi Yuan, this paper gives a thorough analysis of the related garden records, garden poetry and garden paintings. Also, by referring to other relevant literature and ancient maps, the situation of garden’s site and the change of its surroundings are studied. With a stress on the restoration of the external and internal water system of Zhi Yuan, this paper analyzes the morphological characteristics of the water system, and summarizes the main features of water sceneries. Particularly, relevant situation is inferred about the inner river and water inlet on the north of garden. It is found that Zhi Yuan is famous for water, mainly because of the flexible usage of external water system, the diversification of internal water system, and the creation of the charming waterscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  garden history  Zhi Yuan  water arrangement  water system  water scenery
ZHOU Hong-jun,SU Ri,HUANG Xiao.A Study on the Water Arrangement of Zhi Yuan in Changzhou, Ming Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(2):34-39.