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侯韫婧1, 赵晓龙1, 张波2
运动匮乏的静态生活方式易导致糖尿病、高血压、冠心病等慢性疾病,成为危害公共健康的首要问题。城市公园邻里可达性较高且免费,是运动特别是晨练运动发生比较频繁的空间载体。本研究在寒地城市早春时节 (4-5 月 ) 对哈尔滨 4 个城市公园进行调研,通过行为注记法获得晨练运动类型和空间分配情况等数据,形成 GIS 行为地图,应用空间句法理论量化城市公园内部活动空间组织特征,并用独立样本 t 检验和方差分析 (ANOVA) 分析,揭示晨练空间与非晨练空间在空间组织层面的分异特征,以及 4 类集体晨练运动类型空间组织偏好特征。研究结果表明,晨练空间与非晨练空间的连接值和控制值存在显著差异,太极拳类空间与集体舞类空间的连接值、控制值和集成度存在显著差异。本研究旨在为城市公园活动空间的合理配置提供数理支撑,提高城市公园空间使用效率,缓解城市居民日益增长的运动健身需求与有限的活动用地之间的矛盾。
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园  集体晨练运动  空间组织特征  空间句法  显著性分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目“严寒地区城市微气候调节原理与设计方法研究”( 编号 51438005);黑龙江省科技攻关项目“寒地景观特征与运动 模式互动模型建构”( 编号 GZ15A510);黑龙江省寒地景观科学与技术重点实验室自主课题“寒地绿色空间健身运动功效与微气候舒适度相关性研究”( 编号 2016HDJG-3101)
Significance Analysis between Morning Exercise and Spatial Organization Characteristics of Urban Park—Taking 4 Urban Parks in Harbin for Example
HOU Yun-jing1, ZHAO Xiao-long1, ZHANG Bo2
1.Harbin Institute of Technology;2.Oklahoma State University, USA
The sedentary lifestyle will easily lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other chronic diseases, and has become the primary problem of public health. Park with high and free accessibility, is the space supporter of physical activity, especially the morning exercise. In early spring season (April and May) of cold city, the research focused on four urban parks in Harbin. We recorded the data of morning exercise type and spatial distribution, and drew GIS behavior mapping. After that, we quantified the spatial organization characters of the urban parks spaces using space syntax theory. All data were analyzed using the independent samples t-test and ANOVA analysis method, to reveal the different spatial organization characters between morning exercise space and non morning exercise space, and different preferences of four exercise types. It shows that, there is a significant difference between morning exercise space and non morning exercise space in connectivity value and control value. There is a significant difference between Taichi quan space and dance space in connectivity value, control value and integration value. The research aims to provide mathematical support for the rational allocation of urban parks space and improve the efficiency of city park space, alleviate the contradiction between growing demand for sports of residents and limited open space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban park  morning exercise  spatial organization characters  space syntax  efficiency analysis
HOU Yun-jing,ZHAO Xiao-long,ZHANG Bo.Significance Analysis between Morning Exercise and Spatial Organization Characteristics of Urban Park—Taking 4 Urban Parks in Harbin for Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(2):109-116.