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(美)李明翰1, (美)奈徳·克伦肖2, (美)布莱德·戴维斯3, (美)金姆·道格拉斯4, (美)罗伯特·休伊特5, (美)克里斯多佛·普理查德6
关键词:  风景园林  风景园林教育  学制  学科认证  风景园林本科学位
Recent Transition of Several Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Programs from Five to Four Years in the United States
(USA)Ming-Han Li1, (USA)Ned Crankshaw2, (USA)Brad Davis3, (USA)Kim Douglas4, (USA)Robert Hewitt5, (USA)Kristopher Pritchard6
1.Texas A&M University;2.University of Kentucky.;3.University of Georgia;4.Philadelphia University.;5.Clemson University;6.the Accreditation & Education Programs Manager of the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board.
This paper provides an overview of five US landscape architecture programs’ transition from five to four years to graduation in terms of curriculum arrangement for the major, university core curriculum requirement, internship requirement, etc. This curriculum change was mainly due to the demand from the higher administration in most universities. Such demand came from a mandate in most programs’ respective state, that is, a college degree is supposed to be completed in four years at 120 credit hours. This movement can be attributed to the 2008-2009 global economic downturn that triggered the demand for greater accountability and efficiency on higher education. Although exemption can be sought to continue a five-year undergraduate curriculum, current five-year programs are facing greater challenges specifically on student recruitment. The paper also includes Accreditation Board’s perspectives regarding the transition. Lastly, the authors share their view on how long should it be for completing an undergraduate degree in landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape architecture education  curriculum  accreditation  bachelor of landscape architecture
(USA)Ming-Han Li,(USA)Ned Crankshaw,(USA)Brad Davis,(USA)Kim Douglas,(USA)Robert Hewitt,(USA)Kristopher Pritchard.Recent Transition of Several Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Programs from Five to Four Years in the United States[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(3):115-122.