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袁嘉, 杜春兰
关键词:  风景园林  雨洪管理  雨水花园  植物景观设计  新自然主义草本植物景观
分类号:TU 986
The Application and Design of the New Naturalistic Herbaceous Planting in Urban Rain Gardens
YUAN Jia, DU Chun-lan
Chongqing University
Landscape architects are responsible for ensuring the structural stabilization and the high-efficiency of the ecosystem services of plantings in urban rain gardens, and also adapt more attractive rain garden plantings with requiring less inputs for their establishment and maintenance. In this paper, we address the existing problems of the planting design in the current rain garden applications, and introduce the idea of the new naturalistic herbaceous planting for upgrading urban rain gardens. We provide the design of the new naturalistic herbaceous rain garden planting by explaining the plant selection for satisfying the dynamic moisture distribution in rain garden habitat and the "disciplined chaos" strategy for establishing attractive plant community by learning from the nature.
Key words:  landscape architecture  stormwater management  rain garden  planting design  new naturalistic herbaceous planting
YUAN Jia,DU Chun-lan.The Application and Design of the New Naturalistic Herbaceous Planting in Urban Rain Gardens[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(5):22-27.