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邵锋1, 钱思思, 孙丰宾2, 董丽1, 包志毅3
关键词:  PM2.5  城市绿地  植物群落  消减作用  空气质量
分类号:TU 986
Study on PM2.5 Removal Effects of Green Spaces in Spring in Hangzhou City
SHAO Feng1, QIAN Si-si, SUN Feng-bin2, DONG Li1, BAO Zhi-yi3
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University;3.Zhejiang A&F University
Eight pieces of samples are selected as the research object so as to study the influence for PM2.5 particles which green space in spring and its surrounding environment have exerted in Hangzhou city. Each sample was set five sampling points for PM2.5 data collection, and a survey is conducted on plant community structure, canopy density and its surrounding environment. The result indicates that concentration of PM2.5 is inversely proportional to the distance of pollution. City green space, especially arbor-shrub-lawn type of city green space with high canopy density, has a positive effect on the reduction of PM2.5. The water surface and pavement, as the disturbing environmental factors, make the reduction of PM2.5 particles less evident and stable. Under the different air quality level, there exist obvious differences in the reduction of PM2.5.
Key words:  PM2.5  city green space  plant community  removal effect  air quality
SHAO Feng,QIAN Si-si,SUN Feng-bin,DONG Li,BAO Zhi-yi.Study on PM2.5 Removal Effects of Green Spaces in Spring in Hangzhou City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(5):79-86.