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张文卓, 韩锋
关键词:  文化地理  文化景观  城市历史景观  遗产保护  可持续发展
分类号:TU 986
A Review of the Theoretical and Practical Research on Historic Urban Landscape
ZHANG Wen-zhuo, HAN Feng
Tongji University
he Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) is expected to be future path in heritage management and key indicator for sustainable urban development. This paper reviews the main progress in the overseas studies on HUL both in theory and in practice, since this concept was first put forward in 2005. It analyzes the two-fold meaning of HUL, both the nominal conservation objective and the verbal conservation approach, and reveals that HUL is the expanding application of Cultural Landscape approach for urban areas. The integrated, dynamic and specific HUL approach is of great value for China’s heritage conservation and urban development. Combining the existing system in China, HUL approach can be applied to our practices in the field of heritage conservation and urban planning in aspects of experiential assessment, integrated planning, collaborative planning and local organization.
Key words:  cultural geography  cultural landscape  historic urban landscape  heritage conservation  sustainable development
ZHANG Wen-zhuo,HAN Feng.A Review of the Theoretical and Practical Research on Historic Urban Landscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(6):22-28.