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刘祎绯, 黄川壑, 李雄
关键词:  历史城市  城市内部结构  变迁  城市历史景观  层积  定兴古城
分类号:TU 986
Study on the Analysis Methodology of Vicissitudes of the Internal Structure of Historic Cities Based on the Translation of Historic Information—Taking the Old Town of Dingxing as an Example
LIU Yi-fei, HUANG Chuan-he, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Since it has become a common sense that the vicissitudes of historic urban areas are continous evolving processes, the study of how to analyze this changing process more thouroughly has become an important subject. This paper focuses on the visissitudes of the internal structure of historic cities. It has formed a framework, based on the traditional methodologies of historical stages division and spacial zones division, it also borrowed the concept of “layering” from Historic Urban Landscape to build a methodology of landscape layering division, and with the accurate translation of historic information, a whole-process, high-resolution and multi-layers anaylisis has been made possible. Taking the Old Town of Dingxing as an example, 3 layerings are subdivided: the architectural layering, the street layering and the cultural space layering. A Layering Analysis Method is thus initially formed, and hopefully will be found helpful in other historic urban area vicissitudes studies.
Key words:  historic city  internal structure of city  vicissitude  historic urban landscape  layering  the Old Town of Dingxing
LIU Yi-fei,HUANG Chuan-he,LI Xiong.Study on the Analysis Methodology of Vicissitudes of the Internal Structure of Historic Cities Based on the Translation of Historic Information—Taking the Old Town of Dingxing as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(6):49-58.