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王志芳, 蔡扬, 张辰, 寇淼
关键词:  社区农园  农业景观  景观模拟  景观偏好  景观设计
分类号:TU 986
The Research on Public Acceptance of Community Garden Based on Landscape Preference Analysis—A Case Study of Beijing
WANG Zhi-fang, CAI Yang, ZHANG Chen, KOU Miao
Peking University
In recent years, due to the rapid urbanization, urban residents enthusiasm for agricultural activities is gradually rising. Scholars began to pay attention to the community agriculture, which is seen as one of the strategies to solve urban development problems. This paper takes three middle income communities which completed after 2000 AD and located near the 5th Ring area of Beijing as the research samples, adopting photos to simulate actual senses with setting a series of problem texts, investigates the public’s landscape preference and attitude on community garden by the questionnaires. The physical and non-physical spatial factor which impact the public preference are analyzed by surveying the residents living within the 6th Ring area of Beijing. On this basis, according to the results, the paper focuses on putting forward a reasonable suggestion on the residential-agriculture combining pattern. The main discoveries and conclusions are that the public preferences for the agricultural landscape is inferior to non-productive landscape as a whole; in residents’ opinions, the main concern about community garden is the cultivation management; the most appropriate locations for community gardens are housing greenbelt and vacant plots around the community. In addition, the use of planting groove, well grasping the proportion of the agricultural landscape and artificial landscape, increased crop species , such design methods help to boost residents’ preferences of community garden. Overall, this study shows that as long as the different groups’ social background is focused properly, landscape design methods are adopted ingeniously, the people’s acceptance to community garden can be significantly enhanced.
Key words:  community garden  agricultural landscape  landscape simulation  landscape preference  landscape design
WANG Zhi-fang,CAI Yang,ZHANG Chen,KOU Miao.The Research on Public Acceptance of Community Garden Based on Landscape Preference Analysis—A Case Study of Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(6):86-94.