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彭孟宏, 唐孝祥
关键词:  风景园林美学  松塘小八景  联络对称  清淡迤逦  君子比德
分类号:TU 986
Research on the Aesthetic Features of the Small Eight Views of Songtang
PENG Meng-hong, TANG Xiao-xiang
South China University of Technology
The Small Eight Views of Songtang is not only a kind of cultural landscape inheritances about Songtang village in Xiqiao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, but also an indispensable clue to discover the transitions and aesthetic values of the historic cultural towns and villages in Cantonese. Based on analyzing the cultural background, actual conditions and the matter space form of Songtang village, the paper has explored three aesthetic features generated by the Small Eight Views in Songtang, namely utilizing the symmetric connection rule to organize objects, building a group of winding and meandering poetry images and advocating the Gentlemen Bede theory, a kind of traditional aesthetic conception about nature in China. The research can provide references about keeping, repairing and renovating the poetic character of the traditional settlement landscape space. This study can provide directions and experience for the Small Eight Views in different areas.
Key words:  landscape architecture aesthetics  Small Eight Views of Songtang  symmetric connection  winding and meandering  gentlemen bede
PENG Meng-hong,TANG Xiao-xiang.Research on the Aesthetic Features of the Small Eight Views of Songtang[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(6):105-111.