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战明松1, 朱京海2
关键词:  市场经济  文化规划  市场需求  文化要素供给  文化遗存
分类号:TU 986
Research on Urban Cultural Planning of Market Demand — Benxi Qingyun Mountain Park Planning as an Example
ZHAN Ming-song1, ZHU Jing-hai2
1.Shenyang Architecture University;2.China Medical University
Thirty years after Chinese economic reform, our economy gradually transformed from the planned economy into market economy pattern, followed by the change of the planning formation. Based on the model of the relationship between supply and demand and the phenomena of cultural disorientation, this paper takes the Qingyun Mountain Park in Benxi city as the research object. The paper adopts the research methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis and combining theory with practice to explore preliminarily the content and framework of urban cultural planning under the background of market demand. Four steps of the planning of the market-space scheme: cultural needs, cultural supply, market implementation and space implementation. This paper puts forward that we need to meet consumer expectations on the basis of the market supply and demand model and the quality requirements. And we need to integrate and improve regional cultural resources taking the sustainable supply as the guidance, and implement the differentiated market on the basis of the overall planning of regional cultural resources, and research on planning the layout function structure on the basis of improving spatial quality.
Key words:  market economy  cultural planning  market demand  supply of cultural elements  cultural relics
ZHAN Ming-song,ZHU Jing-hai.Research on Urban Cultural Planning of Market Demand — Benxi Qingyun Mountain Park Planning as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(6):119-125.