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吴承照, 刘广宁
关键词:  风景园林  国家自然保护地  管理目标  分类体系  中国
Management Objectives Based on Category System of National Natural Protected Area in China
WU Cheng-zhao, LIU Guang-ning
Tongji University
The classification system of protected areas is an important basis of management system construction and effective management of protected areas. According to the relation situation of human and land of protected areas, four types of management objectives may be divided: ecology, value, function and region objectives, there are three protection types to correspond with the objectives, and three types of protected areas can be classified: ecological preserve area, national park, sustainable use area, each protected area can be divided into some sub types of management by resource identity and special protection. Ecological preserve area is the type that has very important study value or important ecological function. National park is the type that has double functions: conservation and recreation. Sustainble-use area is the type that need traditional living and production activities to keep its cultural sustainability. The present system of management can be continually applied for ecological preserve area and sustainable use area. National park is a new type of protected area that integrated many different protected areas with same management objectives, so a new management system and administrative authority is needed, that is National Park Service of China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national natural protected area  management objective  classification system  China
WU Cheng-zhao,LIU Guang-ning.Management Objectives Based on Category System of National Natural Protected Area in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(7):16-22.