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许晓青1, 王应临2
关键词:  风景园林  国家公园  社会科学研究  约塞米蒂国家公园  九寨沟  比较研究
Comparative Review on Social Science Program in National Parks of USA and China
XU Xiao-qing1, WANG Ying-lin2
1.Penn State University;2.Beijing Forestry University
For a long time, National Park research worldwide was developed much more in natural science prospect rather than in social science prospect. In most natural reserve areas in China, the contradictions and problems caused by the tourism use and other factors are increasing. It is necessary to emphasize and deepen the social science research of the national park with the background of the National Park System constructing in China right now. The research consists of three sessions. Firstly, a study of the Social Science Program of national parks in USA was conducted, including the research topics, management mechanism, and research status. Secondly, the paper compared the social science research of two national parks which are Yosemite National Park and Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park from three aspects: organization and staff, research planning, research projects and achievements. In the end, according to the national conditions and the current management framework of natural reserved areas in China, some suggestions were provided for National Park System construction in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  National Parks  social science research  Yosemite National Park  Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park  comparative study
XU Xiao-qing,WANG Ying-lin.Comparative Review on Social Science Program in National Parks of USA and China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(7):37-43.