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廖凌云, 杨锐
关键词:  国家公园  国家遗产区域  美国阿拉伯山  资源保护  管理体系
Review on Conservation and Management of Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area and Its Revelation
LIAO Ling-yun, YANG Rui
Tsinghua University
As defined by NPS, the National Heritage Area is a region that has been recognized by the United States Congress for its unique qualities and resources. It is a place where a combination of natural, cultural, historic and recreational resources have shaped a cohesive, nationally distinctive landscape. The study and review on the new national park model in the US—the national heritage areas, which are based on the overall protection concept and the complex land tenure, is of great significance to the pilot national park system development in the southeast region of China. Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area is the natural heritage unit, the cooperative management system and the "protection—connection—education" overall protection strategy are its characteristics. Based on the case study, some suggestions are put forward on the reform of the national park system in the southeastern China from the aspects of the management system and the protection strategy.
Key words:  national park  National Heritage Area  Arabia Mountain in the US  resource protection  management system
LIAO Ling-yun,YANG Rui.Review on Conservation and Management of Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area and Its Revelation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(7):50-56.