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毕雪婷, 韩锋
关键词:  文化景观  价值  文化转向  观看方式  文化实践  解读方式
Study on the Ways to Interpret the Cultural Landscape Values
BI Xue-ting, HAN Feng
Tongji University
Nowadays many heritage sites of China is applying the value system of world heritage cultural landscape to accurately describe and deeply interpret their special values and potentials. It is obvious that cultural landscape is regarded as the epistemology and methodology to protect and manage heritage sites. Along with New Cultural Geography rising, cultural landscape gains such abilities to observe things and solve problems. In postmodern context, cultural landscape is a verb, not one of the verb forms, so it's regarded as ways of seeing and cultural practices which can analyze, select, judge and display heritage values. After its definition, nature, function and essence are understood, the ways to interpret the cultural landscape values can be concluded. When it is regarded as ways of seeing, cultural landscape is interpreted according to four main rules proposed by Han Lörzing (layer of intervention, layer of knowledge, layer of perception and layer of interpretation). And when it is regarded as cultural practices which focus on the forming process of values, cultural landscape is a dynamically changeable metal process, during which the relationships between nature and culture, between history and present, and between the physical and nonphysical are established. That is to say, the analysis can fully identify the source of the cultural landscape values.
Key words:  cultural landscape  values  cultural turn  ways of seeing  cultural practices  ways of interpretation
BI Xue-ting,HAN Feng.Study on the Ways to Interpret the Cultural Landscape Values[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(7):100-107.