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孙芳旭, 郝培尧, 董丽, 李雄
关键词:  煤矸石堆积地  植被恢复  恢复方式  物种构成  适生植物
分类号:TU 986
Characteristics of Vegetation on the Coal Gangue with Different Recovery Ways in Mentougou in Beijing and Summary of Vegetation Restoration Methods
SUN Fang-xu, HAO Pei-yao, DONG Li, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
aking eastern part of Mentougou District in Beijing as research areas, a survey on vegetation characteristics of natural re-vegetation and artificial re-vegetation of coal gangue was carried out to analyze and compare two different recovery modes and different life restoration plots of vegetation. Quadrat sampling method was adopted. There were 69 species of plants, which belong to 35 families, 63 genera. Gramineae, Asteraceae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae are dominant families. 25 species belonging to 17 families and 24 genera were found in the natural restoration plots and artificial re-vegetation plots had 63 species, which belong to 32 families and 58 genera. In the natural restoration community, Ailanthus altissima , Ulmus pumila and Vitex negundo var. heterophylla had high important values, and in artificial restoration communities Ulmus pumila and Pinus tabulaeformis had obvious advantages. In the herbaceous layer, Salsola collina, Kochia scoparia, Arundinella anomala , Medicago sativa and Artemisia sacrorum are pioneer species. Species richness increase as re-vegetation taking place. Species diversity in artificial restoration is higher than that in natural restoration community. The study proposes principle of species selection in coal gangue, then chooses species through dominance index and design plant community to meet the requirements of the vegetation restoration. In addition, soil improvement and planting technologies are summed up.
Key words:  coal gangue  re-vegetation  recovery methods  species composition  adaptable plant
SUN Fang-xu,HAO Pei-yao,DONG Li,LI Xiong.Characteristics of Vegetation on the Coal Gangue with Different Recovery Ways in Mentougou in Beijing and Summary of Vegetation Restoration Methods[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):50-56.