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高坤1, 蔺莎2, 孙雯2, 陈颖慧2
关键词:  矿区修复  生态技术美学  生态修复  景观再生  节水少维护
分类号:TU 986
Exploration of Ecological Restoration on Mining Wasteland from the Viewpoint of Eco-technological Aesthetics—Taking Bayan Obo Mining Park as an Example
GAO Kun1, LIN Sha2, SUN Wen2, CHEN Ying-hui2
1.M-Grass Beijing Water Efficient Landscape Architecture Technology Co., Ltd.;2.Inner Mongolia M-Grass Ecological Environment (Group) Co.,Ltd.
Construction of mine parks is an effective measure for ecological restoration and utilization of abandoned mines. Bayan Obo Mining Park was originally a piece of mining wasteland with harsh soil condition because extensive mining had damaged the local ecological environment. From the viewpoint of eco-technological aesthetics, this article explores the measure of ecological restoration and the feasibility of staged phytoremediation taking Bayan Obo Mining Park as an example, seeks the landscape expression based on respecting ecological order, finally to achieve ecological restoration and landscape regeneration of mining areas. Through these measures, Bayan Obo Mining Park finally realized the change from brown field to “water-efficent with low maintenance” ecological landscape parkland and it has been an ecological place with the functions of showing industry culture, reflecting national spirit, resting and playing.
Key words:  restoration of mining areas  eco-technological aesthetics  ecological recovery  landscape rehabilitation  water-efficient with low maintenance
GAO Kun,LIN Sha,SUN Wen,CHEN Ying-hui.Exploration of Ecological Restoration on Mining Wasteland from the Viewpoint of Eco-technological Aesthetics—Taking Bayan Obo Mining Park as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):66-69.