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章婷婷, 郑曦
关键词:  区域风景系统  绍兴古城  南宋  分区营建  山水格局
分类号:TU 986
The Study on Adaptive Development of Relations between the Urban Zoning Construction and the Regional Landscape System of Shaoxing City
ZHANG Ting-ting, ZHENG Xi
Beijing Forestry University
The relationship between the construction and regional landscape system of ancient Chinese cities is coordinated development of mutual adaptation. With the natural and artificial environment of Shaoxing City during Southern Song Dynasty (A.D.1127—1279) as studying object, this paper explores the composition of the regional landscape system of Shankuai plain in regional scale from the perspective of landscape architecture, including the nature mountain-water environment and river system after manual intervention and management; along with elaboration on the characteristic of the city which was built on regional landscape system and analysis on the relations between the functional zoning of Shaoxing city, such as administrative area, residential area, commercial area, warehouses, docks and regional landscape system. The author concluded that the regional landscape system is the base of urban development, the city and regional landscape system are intertwined and sustainable developed, so as to show a unique urban form and humanistic connotation. The paper hopes that this case can provide a new view for urban characteristics and style protection during the rapid urbanization.
Key words:  regional landscape system  Shaoxing City  Southern Song Dynasty  urban zoning construction  mountain-water pattern
ZHANG Ting-ting,ZHENG Xi.The Study on Adaptive Development of Relations between the Urban Zoning Construction and the Regional Landscape System of Shaoxing City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):105-111.