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徐磊青1, 孟若希2, 陈筝1
关键词:  街道漫游  迷人街道  建筑界面  绿视率  街道景观  虚拟现实
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于公共性的公共空间布局效能与关键指标研究:以中心商业区地块为例” (编号51778422) ;国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 “基于环境实景感知实证模型的景观视觉规划设计方法研究”(编号51408429)
Fascinating Streets: The Impact of Building Facades and Green View
XU Lei-qing1, MENG Ruo-xi2, CHEN Zheng1
1.Tongji University;2.Huangpu Planning and Land Management Bureau, Shanghai
Urban streets, as the center of urban spaces, are important urban assets for city wandering experience. This paper explored two variables, building facades and green view, and their impacts on the fascination degree of the streets via virtual reality experiment. Ninety college students participated in this study using Virtual Reality (VR) headsets to experience the street environments, followed by a questionnaire concerning their environmental experience. Results revealed that the fascination degree of the streets were influenced by both the type of building facades and the degree of green view, while the former showed a higher impact than the later. The impact on the degree of fascination is in descending order from the streets with gray spaces in front of buildings, to open streets with no divisions in front of buildings, to the degree of green view, then to the streets with glass faces in front of buildings, still then to the streets with fences, and finally to the streets with walls. The perception of fascination indicate the possibility of the participation of body movements beyond the visual explorations.
Key words:  street wandering  fascinating streets  building faces  green view  street landscapes  virtual reality
XU Lei-qing,MENG Ruo-xi,CHEN Zheng.Fascinating Streets: The Impact of Building Facades and Green View[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(10):27-33.