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张彧, 杨冬冬, 曹磊
关键词:  海绵校园  雨洪管理设施  运行管理  维护方法
Study on the Method of Maintenance of the Storm Water Management Facilities —A Case Study of Reading Experience Cabin in Tianjin University
ZHANG Yu, YANG Dong-dong, CAO Lei
Tianjin University
With the constant promotion of the “sponge pilot cities” construction, the concept of ecological storm water management is being implemented in the sponge city construction. Because of post-operation management and maintenance directly affecting the performance and its widely spreading in the cities, studying on the method of maintenance of the storm water management facilities is becoming more and more important. In this paper, using “structure and efficiency of sponge city” experimental base of Architecture Institute of Tianjin University as an observational prototype, we summarize the main contents of the monitoring and maintenance. We pay more attention on “Operation method for daily management and maintenance”, “Activation method of measures after winter dormancy in northern China” and “Innovation management method of weakening and transforming adverse environments”. It can provide practical operation and high integrity maintenance scheme.
Key words:  sponge campus  storm water management facilities  operation management  maintenance method
ZHANG Yu,YANG Dong-dong,CAO Lei.Study on the Method of Maintenance of the Storm Water Management Facilities —A Case Study of Reading Experience Cabin in Tianjin University[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(10):93-100.