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陈意微, 袁晓梅
关键词:  蔷薇  中国传统园林  植物配置  历史  审美
Study on the History of Rose in Chinese Traditional Garden
CHEN Yi-wei, YUAN Xiao-mei
South China University of Technology
Rose is a kind of important plant which have a long history in Chinese traditional garden. Through the historical data, this paper analyzes the evolution of Rose and its design technique and aesthetic taste in Chinese traditional garden. The conclusions are as follows: 1) Roses used in Chinese traditional garden develop from medicinal Rosa multiflora to varieties of ornamental Roses. 2) The design techniques of Rose develop from simple to rich and varied, meanwhile integrate with other landscape elements harmonically. 3) The aesthetic tastes of Rose develop from Rose’s color, smell, posture and erotic connotation to “geyun” and the evaluation of elegance and vulgarity with different design forms. The history of Rose on one hand reflects the evolution of garden plants which develops from usability to ornamentality with various forms of artistic planting techniques, on the other hand reflects the complex changes of plant artistic criteria in Chinese traditional garden.
Key words:  Rose  Chinese traditional garden  plant design  history  aesthetic
CHEN Yi-wei,YUAN Xiao-mei.Study on the History of Rose in Chinese Traditional Garden[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(10):110-116.