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方家, 刘颂, 王德, 张月朋
关键词:  城市公园  供需平衡  手机信令数据  空间布局  上海市
Supply-demand Service Analysis of Park in Shanghai by Mobile Phone Signaling Data
FANG Jia, LIU Song, WANG De, ZHANG Yue-peng
Tongji University
The research uses the big data of mobile phone signaling to locate the visitors of large city park in Shanghai during the active outdoor recreation period. The locations of park visitors' homes have been found. And it is able to describe park's "real" service area. The visitors sample data in the "real" service areas of the 32 large urban parks are connected with the Shanghai street space unit, and the park emissiveness of the units are calculated according to the numbers of park visitors whose home location is in the unit and the population in the corresponding unit. With the recreation demand expressed by emissiveness combined with the park supply expressed by park location, Shanghai can be divided into four types of areas which are high demand for low supply, high demand for high supply, low demand for high supply, low demand for low supply. Each type of park service characteristics have been described. According to the supplies of large and community parks in different areas, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the location and construction priorities of the new large parks. And the order of construction priority of regional park layout in "Shanghai Master Plan 2016-2040" is also suggested.
Key words:  urban park  supply-demand balance  mobile phone signaling data  space distribution  Shanghai
FANG Jia,LIU Song,WANG De,ZHANG Yue-peng.Supply-demand Service Analysis of Park in Shanghai by Mobile Phone Signaling Data[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(11):35-40.