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王敏, 彭唤雨, 汪洁琼, 王云才
关键词:  风景园林  小型海岛  自然过程  生态系统  韧性  动态设计
Doing by Leveraging: Resilience Building and Dynamic Design for Small Island's Landscape Based on Using Natural Processes
WANG Min, PENG Huan-yu, WANG Jie-qiong, WANG Yun-cai
Tongji University
Since small islands are ecologically sensitive and easily influenced by natural processes, this article argues that the sustainable development of small islands rely on the building of resilience for the islands' ecosystems. This problem can be solved by how planning and design for the landscape on islands integrate with the disturbances resulting from natural process. Through a literature review on revolutionary resilience, this paper proposes a “three capacities” conceptual model (including persistence, adaptability and transformability) and a relevant dynamic design framework to build resilience for small islands. In addition, the Yagong Island in Xisha is selected as the case to demonstrate how different strategies are selected based on a matric overlapping analysis of ecological sensitiveness and natural processes. Through the dynamic design strategies inspired by Yagong Island, the natural processes are no longer considered as threats. Instead, they facilitate landscape planning and design, providing a new thinking approach to the conservation, development, planning, design, construction and management for small islands.
Key words:  landscape architecture  small island  natural process  ecosystem  resilience  dynamic design
WANG Min,PENG Huan-yu,WANG Jie-qiong,WANG Yun-cai.Doing by Leveraging: Resilience Building and Dynamic Design for Small Island's Landscape Based on Using Natural Processes[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(11):73-79.