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干靓, 郭光普
关键词:  鸟类  微生境选择  生态位  高密度城区
Microhabitat Selection for Wild Birds in High-density Urban Areas Based on Niche Demand—Case Study in Century Avenue Area, Pudong New District, Shanghai
GAN Jing, GUO Guang-pu
Tongji University
Based on the bird surveys in blocks along Century Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai, this paper analyzes the niche demand and microhabitat selection, explores the preference of birds on the hard surface of buildings/structures as special microhabitat in high density urban areas. The results show that: 1) The tree canopy and herb surface provide main food and nest spatial niche, which are also verified by the analysis of microhabitat selection; 2) Vertical hard interfaces can also provide potential microhabitats for wild birds in the city, which could be used as a supplement to the existing biological habitat system; 3) Due to the demand of some wild birds to build their nests in urban building/structure holes, it is suggested to reserve certain holes in the design for building facade, sculpture and street furniture to provide potential space for the related birds' nest.
Key words:  birds  microhabitat selection  niche  high-density urban areas
GAN Jing,GUO Guang-pu.Microhabitat Selection for Wild Birds in High-density Urban Areas Based on Niche Demand—Case Study in Century Avenue Area, Pudong New District, Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(11):86-92.