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殷炜达1, 杨娇妍2, 于晓慧3, 谢雨歆4, 段思嘉1
关键词:  城市绿地  犯罪率  CPTED  城市安全
The Study on the Relationship Between Green Space Features and Crime Rate in Chaoyang District,Beijing
YIN Wei-da1, YANG Jiao-yan2, YU Xiao-hui3, XIE Yu-xin4, DUAN Si-jia1
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Planning and Design Center of China Association of National Parks and Scenic Sites;3.HongKong University;4.ZhongCheng GuoHe(Beijing) Urban Planning and Research Institute
The existing research results of Criminology show that there is a close connection between the public green space and urban crime. This research is based on the actual investigation data, according to spot investigation, CPTED theory as a guide. We found the relationship between crime rate and green coverage rate of 32 units in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Secondly, we randomly sampled 12 representative green spaces in Chaoyang District and analyzed them, according to the characteristics of space environment as 4 typical green space forms, and put forward the improvement plan of planning and design level by the environment characteristics of the crime, in order to provide reasonable suggestions for the crime prevention of urban space environment planning and design.
Key words:  urban green space  crime rate  CPTED  urban security
YIN Wei-da,YANG Jiao-yan,YU Xiao-hui,XIE Yu-xin,DUAN Si-jia.The Study on the Relationship Between Green Space Features and Crime Rate in Chaoyang District,Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(11):105-112.