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关键词:  设计教育  园林教育  园林设计  设计媒介
基金项目:华南理工大学研究生教育教学成果奖培育项目(教育研究类)“风景园林研究生设计研究能力培养研究” ;广东省本科高校高等教育教学改革项目“基于设计研究理论的风景园林设计教学研究与实践”;广东省学位与研究生教育改革研究项目(重点项目)“基于设计研究理论的风景园林设计学位论文选题与形式研究”
A Introduce to Landscape Design Media
LIN Guang-si
South China University of Technology
Before the design is finally completed, the existence of design information is relied on the existence of design media, and there is an intimate relationship among design media, design capability and design activity. Even though the students have came into contact with emerging design methods and expression of various kinds of design media through various information dissemination channel, there are still a lot of teachers who do not have enough comprehension of the types and effect of design media, so the design media cannot feed back to the professional teaching efficaciously. This article sorts out the available design media in landscape design teaching first, including photograph, montage & photomontage, sketch & analytical diagram, descriptive drawing, perspective, model, video & animation & time-lapse photography, virtual reality & augmented reality & mixed reality & cinematic reality, graphic design, writing, speech and so on, then introduce their key point of use. The author maintains that, in each part of landscape design, teachers can choose appropriate design media for key training and design expression to cultivate students' basic design quality and basic capability to engage in other professional and working area.
Key words:  design education  landscape architecture education  landscape design  design media
LIN Guang-si.A Introduce to Landscape Design Media[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(11):131-135.