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黄晓1, 刘珊珊2, 周宏俊3
关键词:  风景园林  园林绘画  图像学  图式  《东庄图》
The Source and Influence of Schemata in Shen Zhou’s Dongzhuang Painting in Ming Dynasty
HUANG Xiao1, LIU Shan-shan2, ZHOU Hong-jun3
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Beijing Jiaotong University;3.Tongji University
Schema is a philosophy term introduced into iconology study by Ernst H. Gombrich. It has significant value for the study of Chinese garden paintings. The famous garden painting “Dong Zhuang Painting” scroll painted by Shen Zhou in 15th century, which inherits past realistic traditions and breaks new grounds for the future painters. The paper analyzed the influence of earlier paintings on “Dongzhuang Painting”, such as “Ten views in Songshan Mountain Painting”, “Long Mian Mountain Villa Painting”, and “Spring Outing Painting”, and how “Dongzhuang Painting” inspired the works of later painters, such as “Zhuozheng Garden Painting”, “Jiaoyuan Painting” and “Zhiyuan Painting”. Schema plays a pivotal role in the analysis of the relationship between its predecessors and followers, this paper reveals the role of schemata in garden painting developments and its modern significance.
Key words:  sandscape architecture  garden paintings  Iconology  schema  Dongzhuang Painting
HUANG Xiao,LIU Shan-shan,ZHOU Hong-jun.The Source and Influence of Schemata in Shen Zhou’s Dongzhuang Painting in Ming Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(12):44-51.