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李运远, 饶成之, 冯君明
关键词:  华北地区  浅山区  绿道  设计策略
Study on the Planning and Design of Greenway in Hills and Low Mountains Area in North China—Taking the Landscape Plan of Shangqian Avenue Greenway as an Example in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang
LI Yun-yuan, RAO Cheng-zhi, FENG Jun-ming
Beijing Forestry University
With the expansion of the mountain city in North China, the relationship between mountain areas and the development of the city is becoming closer, but the years of development has exposed many problems in the aspects of ecology and economy, hills and low mountains area was gradually incorporated into the scope of planning and construction. Mountainous area greenway as a kind of green space system in linear landscape space, Recently it has been practiced and applied in some cities, and its attributes of functional connection, landscape continuity and cultural protection etc. provide more possibilities for research. In this paper, we analyzes and studies the planning and design methods of greenway in the shallow mountains in north China. Firstly, the natural base and the development and evolution of the mountain are analyzed, and the relationship between the mountain and the urban area is obtained. Secondly, the functional characteristics and attributes are researched to inferred the development feasibility and the goal of construction for the urban greenway in the shallow mountainous area. Finally, taking the planning and design project of the Shanqian Avenue Greenway in Luquan District of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province as an example, the design strategy and the design result are classified which include the ecology, the function, the landscape and the culture in the shallow mountain city greenway in North China. The paper is expected to provide theoretical support and practice guidance for the research and development of related mountainous greenways.
Key words:  north China  shallow mountain area  greenway  design strategy
LI Yun-yuan,RAO Cheng-zhi,FENG Jun-ming.Study on the Planning and Design of Greenway in Hills and Low Mountains Area in North China—Taking the Landscape Plan of Shangqian Avenue Greenway as an Example in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(12):93-100.