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吴远翔, 刘晓光, 吴冰, 袁雪娇
关键词:  绿色基础设施  城市空气调节  CALMET  GI空间分布  哈尔滨
基金项目:黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划:寒地可持续社区基础设施规划模型(编号 GZ15A511);住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目:基于生态系统服务的寒地城市生态网络规划关键技术研究(编号2017-K4-008)
Regional Green Infrastructure Space Pattern Identification Based on
WU Yuan-xiang, LIU Xiao-guang, WU Bing, YUAN Xue-jiao
Harbin institute of technology.
Under the high-density development land use patterns in China, it is difficult to achieve the self-balance of air purification relying on the limited green space inside the city. Green patches, water patches and other ecological patches around the city play an important role in providing clean air, dispelling air pollutants and regulating the urban climate. From the perspective of regulating urban air quality, taking Harbin as a study case, this paper proposes a method of urban green infrastructure spatial schema recognition and translation at the city scale based on the analysis platform of ArcGIS: 1) Basic identification: Relying on the local circumfluence theory, three types of spatial units of green infrastructure are identified according to the data of land cover and vegetation types. 2) Urban wind field analysis: through the meteorological statistics of typical months of the year and the wind field simulation based on CALMET software, the typical monthly wind environment map of Harbin is obtained. 3) Spatial schema translation: the role of green infrastructure in regulating urban air is analyzed according to the urban wind environment map to obtain the air conditioning spatial schema of GI. The research results can be used as the basis for the planning of urban green space system and the formulation of regional ecological protection strategies, and further application in the urban wind environment analysis and urban air duct planning.
Key words:  green infrastructure  urban air conditioning  CALMET  GI space pattern  Harbin
WU Yuan-xiang,LIU Xiao-guang,WU Bing,YUAN Xue-jiao.Regional Green Infrastructure Space Pattern Identification Based on[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(1):33-37.