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汪洁琼, 唐楚虹, 颜文涛
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统服务  水生态  生态智慧  空间形态  圩田
Mechanism and Pattern of Polders in the Yangtze River Delta: Effective Physical Form for Ecosystem Services Provision
WANG Jie-Qiong, TANG Chu-hong, YAN Wen-tao
Tongji University
Paper focused on polders in the Yangtze River Delta. It argued that, from the landscape architecture’s ecological perspective, the underlying mechanism relies on the capacity of ecosystem services provision, and influenced by physical form. Physical form impacts the provision of ecosystem services, which can be clarified and measured. Through studying the correlation of “water-green-people”, this paper explained the formal characteristics of traditional polders and revealed their underlying 8 types of ecosystem services. It also criticized the conflicts and problems in the existing polders, and finally suggested three principles to guide future practices in polders in the delta, including the idea of “following water” and appropriate changes to nature, total human ecosystem to integrate ecology, production and life, and social governance system to coordinate with water.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem services  water ecology  ecological wisdom  physical form  polder
WANG Jie-Qiong,TANG Chu-hong,YAN Wen-tao.Mechanism and Pattern of Polders in the Yangtze River Delta: Effective Physical Form for Ecosystem Services Provision[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(1):38-44.