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周虹宏1, 白新祥2
关键词:  风景园林  拟自然水景  水均衡分析  水量设计
Research on Water Balance Analysis and Water Yield Design of Nature Imitating Waterscape
ZHOU Hong-hong1, BAI Xin-xiang2
1.Huichuan landscape management office;2.Guizhou University.
Low impact design or development(LID) of rainwater resources helps to protect the natural water and reducing water scene design, and forms self-regulation of waterscape sponge. Nature imitating waterscape balance analysis equation was built based on the principle of water balance, exploring the catchment area of rainwater collect flow optimal value, thus providing a reference for waterscape design of water. By the water balance core thought the law of conservation of mass, that the regional total input of water is equal to the total output of water, water balance analysis method of quasi natural water scene was introduced in this paper, a practical example that the main entrance landscape area of Xi Shui Qing Mount Forest Park was given to discuss water balance analysis in the application of parametric design of the water.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Nature limitating waterscape  water balance analysis  water yield design
ZHOU Hong-hong,BAI Xin-xiang.Research on Water Balance Analysis and Water Yield Design of Nature Imitating Waterscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(1):52-57.