摘要: |
宁波月湖是以月湖为中心开辟形成的湖泊型公共园林,然而不同于大多数湖泊型公共园林,月湖是园林史上少数存在于城内并发展为人文地标的公共园林。月湖初辟于唐贞观年间(627—649年),极盛于宋元祐年间(1086—1094年),至今已有1 400多年历史。作为唐代开辟且至今现存的公共园林,月湖的发展经历了城市公共园林形成的4个典型阶段,对于中国古代城市公共园林及其产生文化的发展有实证意义。本文结合保存得较为完整的江南地方志图文,梳理了宁波月湖的园林建设历程,并重点从外在形式和内在驱动两方面归纳了月湖公共园林演变的动因机制,提出了园林与城市相互影响共同发展的观点。 |
关键词: 宁波月湖 公共园林 演变机制 人文地标 |
DOI: |
分类号:TU986 |
基金项目: |
Reaserch on the Development of Moonlake Public Garden in Ancient City of Ningbo |
LIU Qi-qi, WANG Xin
Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University.
Abstract: |
Ningbo Moonlake is a lake-dominant public garden with Moonlake as the center, but unlike most lake-public gardens, the Moonlake is a rare one which locates inside the city and develops toward to cultural landmarks of the public gardens in garden history. The lake was established in Tang Dynasty (627—649), thrived in the Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty (1086—1094), has been more than 1 400 years. As a public garden which had opened up in Tang Dynasty and existed till now, the Moonlake has experienced four typical stages of the Public Garden formation, has empirical significance and cultural development in ancient city for China public garden. The paper has combined with the complete preservation of the Jiangnan chronicles, untangled construction process of Ningbo Moonlake garden, and put forward a proposal of the mutual influence and common development between garden and city mainly from two aspects of the motivation mechanism of lake public garden evolution which are external form and the internal drive. |
Key words: Ningbo Moonlake public garden evolution mechanism humanistic landmark |