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李瑞冬, 金云峰, 沈洁, 李涛
“共享平台”下的风景园林专业本科课程设计教学改革,融合同济“风景园林学”与“建筑学”“城乡规划学”三位一体的教学特色,以“风景园林规划设计”课程设计为“突出主线”,通过四项课程改革子项,即“建筑与建成环境设计”课程改革子项、“景观设计”课程改革子项、“景观详细规划设计”课程改革子项、“景观总体规划设计”课程改革子项,进行教学计划调整、教学内容重构、教学组织重组等的深化改革研究。从而建构“主线突出,两翼并重,三级分层,相互协同”复合网络化的风景园林本科专业教学内容组织形式框架,实现风景园林专业人才培养从进口至出口的知识、人格、素质和能力( KAQP)的全面培养目标。
关键词:  风景园林  课程设计  本科教学  共享平台  教学改革
Research on Teaching Reform of Undergraduate Course Design of Landscape Architecture Specialty under “Sharing Platform”
LI Rui-dong, JIN Yun-feng, SHEN Jie, LI Tao
Tongji University
The teaching reform of the undergraduate curriculum design of landscape architecture under the "sharing platform" is integrated into the teaching characteristics of Tongji's "landscape architecture" and "architecture" and "urban and rural planning" disciplines. The design of "landscape planning and design" "Highlight the main line", through the four curriculum reform children, namely "building and built environment design" curriculum reform sub-project, "landscape design" curriculum reform sub-project, "landscape detailed planning and design" curriculum reform child, "landscape master plan design "curriculum reform children, to adjust the teaching plan, teaching content reconstruction, teaching organization reorganization and other deepening reform research. So as to construct the "main line prominent, two wings and heavy, three levels of stratification, mutual coordination" composite three-dimensional network of landscape architecture undergraduate teaching content organization form framework to achieve landscape garden professionals from import to export knowledge, personality, quality and ability (KAQP) the overall training objectives.
Key words:  landscape architecture  curriculum design  undergraduate teaching  sharing platform  teaching reform
LI Rui-dong,JIN Yun-feng,SHEN Jie,LI Tao.Research on Teaching Reform of Undergraduate Course Design of Landscape Architecture Specialty under “Sharing Platform”[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(1):118-122.