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胡剑锋, 刘畅, 曹弈璘
关键词:  社区  交往空间  互动关系  儿童公园  运动公园
Practice and Exploration of Neighborhood Communication Space — Community Park in the Perspective of Parent-child Growth and Activities
HU Jianfeng, LIU Chang, CAO Yilin
Chongqing LISM landscape planning and design co., Ltd
There are a series of social problems in modern urban high-density communities, such as indifference of neighborhood, lack of community spirit and so on. The construction of community park is an effective way to alleviate the modern urban disease and create a better community. The article launches the topic of neighborhood intercourse space is the important links in modern urban community environment. To explore the spatial characteristics and design strategies of neighborhood interaction in community environment from the two aspects of parent-child activities and sports fitness activities. It focuses on four aspects which are respectively: behavioral characteristics of people of all ages, the interactive relationship of neighborhood communication, the neighborhood communication space of multiple sets. The sense of belonging in the neighborhood space was discussed through the Jin hui community children park and sports park landscape design which are in Chongqing Nan an District. In this way of constructing of community parks, making it the most direct and effective way to meet the needs of community residents’ humanistic spirit is maintaining neighborhood emotional relationship and communication relationship. The core of the community space lies in how users can easily return to the atmosphere of neighborhood communication. Advocating the modern residential landscape design should change to the direction of positive neighborhood interaction, and provide an effective reference for the transformation.
Key words:  community  communication space  interaction  children’s park  sports park
HU Jianfeng,LIU Chang,CAO Yilin.Practice and Exploration of Neighborhood Communication Space — Community Park in the Perspective of Parent-child Growth and Activities[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(2):116-122.