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刘畅, 李树华, 陈松雨
关键词:  风景园林  情绪调节  校园绿地  问卷调查  相关分析  多元线性回归
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“基于身心健康效益的智能化养老设施植物空间设计基础性研究”(编号 51678327)
Study on Behavior of Visiting Campus Green Space’ Role in Emotion Regulation under the Influence of Multi-factors: Take 3 Universities in Beijing for Example
LIU Chang, LI Shu-hua, CHEN Song-yu
Tsinghua University
Based on the survey data of the students (n=609) from three universities in Beijing, the article found that visiting Campus Green Space do have regulation effects on emotions, mainly on positive emotions by correlation analysis. In the multiple linear regression analysis, campus green space visiting behavior do make contribution to promote Positive Affects under the control of demographic characteristics, latent motivation, environmental cognition and environmental characteristics (⊿R2=0.023). Campus green space visiting behavior is motivated and regulated by multiple factors, of which, latent motivation take the first place. Beyond that, visiting frequency is mainly influenced by campus planning characteristics, while visiting duration and main activities are more connected to demographic characteristics. Based on above, suggestions of building health-beneficial campus green space are put forward.
Key words:  landscape architecture  emotion regulation  campus green space  questionnaire  correlation analysis  multiple linear regression
LIU Chang,LI Shu-hua,CHEN Song-yu.Study on Behavior of Visiting Campus Green Space’ Role in Emotion Regulation under the Influence of Multi-factors: Take 3 Universities in Beijing for Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(3):46-52.