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基于时空关系与体验,探讨了景观与建筑的交接空间。对其建构方式与体验感知方式进行研究。基于戴维·哈维(David Harvey)的“时空压缩”以及希格弗莱德·吉迪恩(Sigfried Giedion)的“空间时间”理论,通过诠释“厚性”的概念,分析了景观与建筑空间交接的2种基本出发点:基于时空拉伸的“延展”,以及基于时空压缩的“解蔽”;通过案例研究,对其不同的空间组织方法与空间界定材料的使用方式进行解读,并论述与此对应的2种空间感知过程:“可推导性”与“瞬时生成性”;通过分析4个现当代景观实践案例,对景观设计在空间“内外交互”建构中所发挥的主动性与使用方法进行综合研究。最后,对时空建构的基本方法、综合使用等方面进行应用层面的分类与总结。
关键词:  景观与建筑  阈限  厚性  延展  解蔽  透明性
Extension and Revealing—Study on Threshold and Interaction between Landscape and Architecture Based on Time-Space Experience
WEI Fang
Tsinghua University
Based on spatial-temporal relationship and experience, this article discovers the threshold and interface between landscape and architecture. In addition, to the reflection of building simply as shell unrelated to surroundings, the rich experience and sense of perception in threshold is focused. Through the extension and development of the concept of “thickness” and with discussion of “time-space compression” by David Harvey and “space-time” by Sigfried Giedion, two basic formations of landscape-architecture interaction—“extension: stretching” and “compression: revealing”— are put forward. This article takes several case studies, and analyzes the interaction between building and landscape from perspectives of both organization and materials. Based on two types of spatial perceptual processes, the ways of “deducing” and “instantaneous generating” are discussed. Based on the analysis of 4 contemporary landscape design cases, this article underlines that the initiative of landscape design should be valued. Finally, the basic approaches and multiple utilizations of time-space organization are summarized.
Key words:  landscape and architecture  threshold  thickness  extension  revealing  transparency
WEI Fang.Extension and Revealing—Study on Threshold and Interaction between Landscape and Architecture Based on Time-Space Experience[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(3):105-111.