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空间修复与公共空间更新的行动主义— 一个公共性与自主性的理论综述
言语, 徐磊青, 谭峥
关键词:  空间修复  行动者网络理论  行动主义  公共领域  行为体  能动性网络
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于公共性的公共空间布局效能与关键指标研究:以中心商业区地块为例”( 编号51778422);国家自然科学基金面上项目“轨道交通综合体效能优化的关键性导控元素及关联效应研究:以上海为例”(编号51378355)
Space Restoration and Public Space Regeneration Activism—A Critical Review Based on Publicness and Autonomy Theoretical Framework
YAN Yu, XU Lei-qing, TAN Zheng
Tongji university
Based on Agent Network Theory, other theory such as publicness, activism are involved into a new critical theoretical framework from active networking of public sphere to review famous cases of social restoration and micro-regeneration. This analysis is dedicated for further exploration on how design activism can work for nowadays grass-roots autonomy organization and “dual renovation urbanism” proposed by the government. At the same time, it also systematically summarizes the possibility and paradigm of broadening the autonomy of professional spatial practice based on glocalization realities.
Key words:  spatial restoration  ANT  activist  public sphere  actant  active agent network
引用本文:言语,徐磊青,谭峥.空间修复与公共空间更新的行动主义— 一个公共性与自主性的理论综述[J].风景园林,2018,25(4):25-33.
YAN Yu,XU Lei-qing,TAN Zheng.Space Restoration and Public Space Regeneration Activism—A Critical Review Based on Publicness and Autonomy Theoretical Framework[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(4):25-33.