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侯晓蕾1, 郭巍2
关键词:  社区营造  微更新  日常生活  设计介入  公共空间
基金项目:北京市自然科学基金资助项目(编号 8182036):日常需求导向的北京旧城公共空间微更新研究
Community Micro-Regeneration: Approaches to the Design Intervention of Old City Public Space of Beijing
HOU Xiao-lei1, GUO Wei2
1.Central Academy of Fine Arts;2.Beijing Forestry University
Beijing gradually shifts from large-scale rapid urban construction to small-scale progressive urban regeneration. Under that background and based on the research and practice of the team in recent years, this paper first explores the routine of public spaces, and considers that it is created by the residents' active behavior and informal activities, and become the source of urban vitality. Therefore, this paper points out that community building is the main mode of urban public space micro-regeneration, and the design intervention based on community building has become a platform for designers, city managers and residents to communicate. In addition, it proposes the approach of design intervention based on the guided participation in community culture, balanced benefits and appeals and joint participation in functional graft; then discusses the process features of the design intervention and the construction conception of related platforms, which may provide a useful reference for the similar practice.
Key words:  community building  micro-regeneration  daily life  design intervention  public space
HOU Xiao-lei,GUO Wei.Community Micro-Regeneration: Approaches to the Design Intervention of Old City Public Space of Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(4):41-47.