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戴伟, 孙一民
关键词:  景观生态学  风景园林规划  土地利用  生物多样性
DAI Wei, SUN Yi-min
South China University
In order to cope with the situation of scarce land resources, studying the biodiversity performances under different land use scenarios and assessing their abilities to meet the expected targets have become two important research directions in the field of land use planning which has important theoretical significance and practical value. Based on a large number of literatures, firstly, briefly analyses the mechanism of the effect of land use on biodiversity performance are conducted from the 4 key factors of land use composition, land use connection, land use intensity and land use aggregation. In view of the existing research progress, this paper expounds how to further improve the research content of land use and biodiversity performance from 5 aspects of scientific diversity indicators, ecological mechanism, spatial-temporal heterogeneity, scenarios planning, and non-liner systematic principle. The results show that the relationship between land use and biodiversity performance accords with the rule of complex adaptive system in landscape architecture planning, and meets the conceptual framework of research and planning with collaborative practice. Finally, from 6 aspects, the paper puts forward the thinking of land use-biological diversity performance correlation analysis on landscape planning, which are of: guiding reasonable land use strategies of biodiversity conservation, establishing a multi-scale network of biodiversity conservation, strengthening the role of green-blue network, constructing a regional framework for biodiversity conservation, improving the guidance for biodiversity in urban environment, and proposing uncertainty planning strategies for reducing risks in decision making process.
Key words:  landscape ecology  landscape planning  land use  biodiversity performance
DAI Wei,SUN Yi-min.[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(4):79-84.