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任家仪, 林广思
关键词:  城市绿地  防灾避险  防灾公园  防灾据点
A Comparison of “Disaster Prevention Park” and “Urban Green Space for Disaster Prevention and Avoidance” between China and Japan
REN Jia-yi, LIN Guang-si
South China University
The urban green space is an important infrastructure of the construction of urban disaster prevention and avoidance system. The research and construction of urban green spaces for disaster prevention and avoidance have been attached importance in recent years. Japan has much more experience in the construction field for disaster prevention and avoidance due to disasters breaking out frequently. Learning from the experience and practice of Japan, China has been making improvement in the research and construction of disaster prevention and avoidance. However, there are some differences between China and Japan in the application of such concepts as “disaster prevention park” and “disaster prevention stronghold” and so on from the relevant study between the two countries. This paper analyses the related documents of China and Japan, discriminates the definitions of “disaster prevention park” and “disaster prevention stronghold” and so on, and the relationships between them and “urban green space for disaster prevention and avoidance”, and classifies the types of urban green space for disaster prevention and avoidance. At the end, this paper compares the definitions and scopes of disaster prevention parks in China and Japan, and it concludes that the essence of “disaster prevention park” in Japan comes closer to that of “urban green space for disaster prevention and avoidance” in China.
Key words:  urban green space  disaster prevention and avoidance  disaster prevention park  disaster prevention stronghold
REN Jia-yi,LIN Guang-si.A Comparison of “Disaster Prevention Park” and “Urban Green Space for Disaster Prevention and Avoidance” between China and Japan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(4):110-114.