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杨晨, 韩锋, 刘春
关键词:  风景园林  遗产保护方法  乡村景观  空间模式  点云技术
Research on Methods for Recording and Visualising Spatial Information of Rural Landscape Heritage with Point Cloud Technology
YANG Chen, HAN Feng, LIU Chun
Tongji University.
Point cloud technology has provided significant opportunities to improve rural landscape heritage conservation. Starting from the protection of the value of rural landscape heritage, the recognition of spatial patterns of rural landscapes as the target, this research explores to how to use point cloud technology to record and visualise spatial information of rural landscapes. Bao Jia Tun ancient village, located in Anshun area of Guizhou Province, was used as a case study. Digital close-range photogrammetry, laser radar technology, and point cloud visualisation technology were combined to collect, process and visualise spatial information of rural landscape heritage at different scales. This digital approach can effectively record and present essential spatial features of rural landscape heritage, which provides basic data for the recognition of spatial patterns. This innovative approach also provides new perspectives and tools for heritage conservation and development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  heritage conservation method  rural landscape  spatial pattern  point cloud technology
YANG Chen,HAN Feng,LIU Chun.Research on Methods for Recording and Visualising Spatial Information of Rural Landscape Heritage with Point Cloud Technology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(5):37-42.