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徐纹艳, 赵警卫*
关键词:  环境审美  进化论  生物本能  文化影响  环境设计
Biological Basis and Cultural Influence of Environmental Aesthetic as well as Design and Application
XU Wen-yan, ZHAO Jing-wei*
University of Mining
Environmental aesthetic preference of human is influenced by the biological instinct formed in the long-term evolution, and by the culture. The former considered that the environment that statisfies human survival and reproduction is beautiful. Based on this idea, previous researchers put forward four theories: habitat theory, prospect-refuge theory, cognitive theory and information processing theory, which are endowed the characteristic of perfect combination between form and content. The intluence of cultural on human environmental aesthetic is mainly manifested in the following aspects: 1) the adjustment and change of biological basis; 2) the changes of environmental aesthetic appeal; 3) for the same aesthetic objects, there being the differences among individuals and small groups. There are interactions between biological basis and cultural development, and the two always joint together to influence people's environmental aesthetic preference. So, environmental design must attach importance to both of them to design the works with the home sense.
Key words:  environmental aesthetics  evolutionary theory  biological instinct  cultural influence  environmental design
XU Wen-yan,ZHAO Jing-wei*.Biological Basis and Cultural Influence of Environmental Aesthetic as well as Design and Application[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(5):93-97.