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朱思媛1, 晏海1, 邵锋2, 方梦静1, 吴海堂1
关键词:  温湿效应  空气温度  相对湿度  体育公园
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于局地气候区分类的城市热环境时空变化特征及其主要景观驱动因子研究”(编号 51508515)
Research on the Summer Microclimate Temperature-humidity Effects of the North City Sports Park in Hangzhou
ZHU Si-Yuan1, YAN Hai,1, SHAO Feng2, FANG Meng-jing1, WU Hai-tang1
1.Zhejiang A&F University;2.Beijing Forestry University
This paper, with the North City Sports Park of Hangzhou as the research object, uses field surveying method to research on the summer microclimate, and makes comparison and analysis on the microclimate temperature-humidity effects inside and outside the park so as to provide reference comments for the future planning and post-management of the sports park. Results showed that in the hot weather in summer, the temperature inside the park was obviously lower than that outside the park, and the relative humidity was higher than that outside the park. The maximum temperature difference between the inside and outside of the park was about 6.2°C and the average temperature difference was 1.5°C. The maximum relative humidity difference was 17.8% and the average relative humidity difference was 5.1%. After various test spots were compared, it’s found that there existed significant differences between the relative distance and air temperature and the radiation range of the microclimate cooling effect of the sports park on the outside of the park was about 0.9 km. The change of temperature and humidity inside the park was more stable than that outside the park, the air temperature and relative distance were positively correlated and a extremely significant level was reached. Therefore, the North City Sports Park of Hangzhou plays an obvious cooling and humidification role in the surrounding urban environment.
Key words:  temperature-humidity effects  air temperature  relative humidity  north city sports park
ZHU Si-Yuan,YAN Hai,,SHAO Feng,FANG Meng-jing,WU Hai-tang.Research on the Summer Microclimate Temperature-humidity Effects of the North City Sports Park in Hangzhou[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(5):110-114.