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(英)梅里克·丹顿·汤普森1, 张善峰2, 邓位3
我们生活的世界是有限的。我很惭愧的承认,如果全世界的人都像大多数英国人这样生活,需要3个地球提供资源才能维持我们的生活。斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)教授曾经预言:“为了我们的后代能够生存下去,我们必须在有生之年制定长远计划—逃离地球”。我们知道世界气候正在发生变化;幸运的是,英国的人们并没有承受过多气候变化带来的后果。但是,世界上其他地方的人们并非同样幸运。我们需要科学和艺术知识背景的景观行业的从业者;广博的知识使我们可以理解自然系统的敏感性、预想我们的专业行为对自然系统的长期影响。我预测,随着人口增长、土地资源减少以及不可再生资源的使用叠加在一起带来的压力,社会对风景园林师会有更大的需求。因此,迫切需要吸引年轻人加入到风景园林行业。我们的风景园林教育系统必须传授风景园林行业的新从业者应对不断变化的行业挑战的技能。我非常赞赏中国国家领导人习近平主席的重要观点:提高中国人生活质量具有重要意义。本篇文章传递的观点是:提高每个人的生活质量是风景园林专业的责任;同时,我希望这是中国与英国景观专业长期合作的一个开始,我们将以共赢的方式进行合作、提供服务。
关键词:  风景园林  弹性  多功能景观  自然资产  可持续性  气候变化  健康与福利
Landscape — Delivering a Resilient World
(UK) Merrick Denton-Thompson1, ZHANG Shan-feng2, DENG Wei3
1.the Landscape Institute;2.Zhejiang University of Technology;3.AECOM
The world we live in is finite. I am ashamed to admit that too many of us in the United Kingdom are living in ways that, if replicated internationally, would require three worlds to sustain us all. Professor Stephen Hawking has predicted that for future generations to survive, we will need by the end of our lifetimes to have advanced plans to evacuate the planet. We know our climate is changing, and we in the UK have been fortunate to not suffer more serious consequences. People in many parts of our world are not so fortunate. We in the landscape profession, with our background in science and the arts, have both the breadth of knowledge to understand the sensitivity of our natural systems, and the imagination to project the long-term implications of our behaviours. I predict that, as tensions rise from a combination of increased population, decreasing land resource and the continuous use of non-renewable resources, our services will be much in demand. There is a new sense of urgency to attract young people into the profession. Our education systems must equip new entrants into landscape with the skills they need to meet the ever-changing challenges we face. We applaud your country’s leader, President Xi Jinping, in emphasising the importance of the quality of life of China’s people. This article is my contribution to that objective. The quality of everyone's lives is our responsibility, and we would like this to herald the start of a long-term relationship between the landscape professions in China and the UK that sees us collaboratively develop our services in a way that benefit everybody
Key words:  Resilience  Multi-functional landscapes  Natural Capital  Sustainability  Climate Change  Health and Wellbeing
(UK) Merrick Denton-Thompson,ZHANG Shan-feng,DENG Wei.Landscape — Delivering a Resilient World[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(6):12-23.