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王云才, 罗雨雁
关键词:  人文生态系统  道家智慧  约翰·莱尔  伍德兰兹社区  经验启示
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题“绿色基础设施生态系统服务功能提升与生态安全格局构建”(编号 2017YFC0505705)
John Lyle’s Human Ecological Wisdom: Thoughts on Integrating the West and East Way of Human Ecosystem Design
WANG Yun-cai, LUO Yu-yan
Tongji University
The traditional Chinese Taoist ecological wisdom has established the highest and the best standard of man-land relationship from the philosophical level and is of great value to guide the ecological planning and design from the root. In the context of Western scientific rationality and technical rationality, John Lyle proposed the idea that “the Taoist approach is the right way of human ecosystems design” and that Ian McHarg’s Woodlands Community in Texas is the epitome of Taoist wisdom and way which westerners can fully learn from and absorb. Probing into the similarities between modern ecological suitability analysis technology of the Woodlands community and Taoist ecological ideas from the aspects of land use and spatial distribution, natural drainage system, regulation-storage mechanism and post-management, and explore the integration characteristics and laws of Taoism and modern ecological planning and design, to provide a new idea with creative and practical significance for ecological planning and design.
Key words:  human ecosystem  Taoist wisdom  John Lyle  the Woodlands community  experience and inspiration
WANG Yun-cai,LUO Yu-yan.John Lyle’s Human Ecological Wisdom: Thoughts on Integrating the West and East Way of Human Ecosystem Design[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(6):47-51.