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左粮瑜, 毛华松, 廖聪全, 黎宇梦
关键词:  风景园林  公共空间安全  疏散风险  定量综合评估法  重庆动物园
— Landscape Architectural Design in Chang Ying Gong Yuan Business Centre, Beijing
ZUO Liang-yu, MAO Hua-song, LIAO Cong-quan, LI Yu-meng
Chongqing University
Strengthening the space intervention and risk prevention of evacuation risk points in public space is an important process to control accident prone points and reduce the occurrence of public space safety accidents. However, if there are loopholes or deviations in the selection of evacuation risk points, it will lead to wrong guidance to the monitoring and management of public space, and even make the intervention measures invalid. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the evaluation method of risk points in the accurate screening of public space and to assess crowded stampede risk during the process of crowd evacuation in public spaces. In this paper, from a macro perspective, based on the investigation of crowd’s real tour path in public space of netted road structure type, as well as the analysis of public space spatial organization characteristics, applying the node accessfrequency method (NAFM) and the convex map analysis in the space syntax theory respectively assesses the crowds gathered degree and space evacuation degree, and then synthesize the evaluation results of the two factors to evaluate the risk of crowd evacuation and identify the key nodes with high risk. This quantitative comprehensive method was applied to Chongqing zoo, not only considers the crowd concentration, but also takes the spatial evacuation ability into consideration, which has positive significance with real evidence to accurately can comprehensively reflect the evacuation risk points of public space crowd.
Key words:  landscape architecture  public space security  evacuation risk  quantitative comprehensive assessment method  Chongqing Zoo
ZUO Liang-yu,MAO Hua-song,LIAO Cong-quan,LI Yu-meng.— Landscape Architectural Design in Chang Ying Gong Yuan Business Centre, Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(6):90-95.