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袁旸洋, 陈宇龙, 成玉宁
关键词:  风景园林  参数化设计  拟自然水景  设计逻辑  算法编写
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“风景园林水环境参数化设计研究” 基金编号(编号51608108)
Research on Parametric Designs of Naturalistic Waterscapes Based on Logical Construction and Algorithm Implementation
YUAN Yang-yang, CHEN Yu-long, CHENG Yu-ning*
Southeast University
Based on the interpretation of the generation law of natural water with full combination of terrain conditions, “Naturalistic” waterscapes uses computer technology to help simulate natural forms and ecological processes, in order to generate a natural water landscape system. This article focuses on the key elements of waterscape, building a dynamic relationship between “form-dam height-water quantity”. According to the parameterized design logic, the algorithm is compiled to create a parametric design model by using Grasshopper. With this method, the multi-elements integrated design and dynamic regulation of water quantity, water form, and engineering volume is realized.
Key words:  landscape architecture  parametric design  naturalistic waterscape  design logic  algorithm compilation
YUAN Yang-yang,CHEN Yu-long,CHENG Yu-ning*.Research on Parametric Designs of Naturalistic Waterscapes Based on Logical Construction and Algorithm Implementation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(6):101-106.