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李相逸1, 曹磊1, 马超1, 李维榕2
关键词:  鸟类多样性  共位群  环境因素  相关性  回归分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578367)
Research on Avian Abundance and Their Correlationship with Environmental Variables at Coastal Wet-land in Tianjin
LI Xiang-yi1, CAO Lei*1, MA Chao1, LI Wei-rong2
1.Tianjin University;2.University of British Columbia
Wetland ecosystem restoration and protection has been one of the hotspots and difficulties in the world with its high values, complexity and vulnerability. In this research, 3 wetland ecosystem sites were chosen as the reference ecosystem, and 1 site was chosen as the validation site, all of which are located in Tianjin Binhai New Area. In this research, 7 environmental factors were selected chosen from 4 sites with different types of habitats. Synthesizing bird use for various habitats, the outcomes of stepwise regression analyses showed that vegetation coverage rate, Vegetation horizontal patchiness and human disturbance had important correlation with bird species richness, model 1 was achieved, while Shannon-Wiener index, vegetation horizontal patchiness and human disturbance had important correlation with bird guild richness, accordingly, model 2 was also achieved. Then model verification was conducted using data from the validation site. The concise and effective method in this paper could be used in predicting the species richness and guild richness in a particular habitat, which are also expected to be an useful reference for relevant research, practical planning and design works.
Key words:  avian diversity  guild  environmental attributes  correlation  regression analysis
LI Xiang-yi,CAO Lei*,MA Chao,LI Wei-rong.Research on Avian Abundance and Their Correlationship with Environmental Variables at Coastal Wet-land in Tianjin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(6):107-112.