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著:(巴西)瓦尼亚 · 切卡托1, 译:黄邓楷2
关键词:  犯罪  地铁  物理和社会环境  地理信息系统  斯德哥尔摩  圣保罗
Crime in Transit Environments: Lessons from Stockholm (Sweden) and São Paulo (Brazil) Metro Systems
Author: (Brazil) Vania Ceccato1, Translator: HUANG Dengkai2
1.KTH Royal Institute of Technology;2.South China University of Technology
In this article, we discuss lessons learned from assessing crime and public disorder in two major metro systems: Stockholm (Sweden) and S?o Paulo (Brazil). We compare temporal and spatial patterns of crime in these metro systems in two national contexts, then we compare findings from these two case studies to reason about the influence of the environment on crime and public disorder. Data from the respective transportation companies are used as the basis for the analysis, which involves Geographical Information Systems (GIS), fieldwork and modelling. Inner city metro stations but also end stations tend to concentrate more crime than stations in any other parts of the city. More than location in the city, results show that opportunities for crime at the stations are dependent on the stations’ environmental attributes, surroundings, and neighbourhood context. Crime prevention interventions must be crime specific and tackle crowded conditions at core stations especially at rush hours since they facilitate crime. The article concludes with directions for future research and suggestions for policy.
Key words:  crime  metro  physical and social environment  GIS  Stockholm  São Paulo
引用本文:著:(巴西)瓦尼亚 · 切卡托,译:黄邓楷.交通环境犯罪:来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩和巴西圣保罗地铁系统的经验总结[J].风景园林,2018,25(7):12-22.
Author: (Brazil) Vania Ceccato,Translator: HUANG Dengkai.Crime in Transit Environments: Lessons from Stockholm (Sweden) and São Paulo (Brazil) Metro Systems[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):12-22.