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周铁军, 邹明妍, 万展志
关键词:  风景园林  公共安全  城市广场  步行空间  安全评价  景观设计
Design of Public Safety-based Pedestrian Space Landscape of City Squares—Take Three Gorges Square of Chongqing as an Example
ZHOU Tiejun, ZOU Mingyan, WAN Zhanzhi
Chongqing University
Cities develop rapidly as a result of the expansion of physical space and population density. When the renewal of squares is out of sync with urban development, the safety factor of the pedestrian space will be reduced, and the probability of safety accidents will increase. Public landscape, a component of the square pedestrian space, affects safety in this space. This paper cites Chongqing Three Gorges Square as the research target. By applying the analytic hierarchy process-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, it carries out landscape safety evaluation in the perspectives of greening, roads, waterscape design and landscape pieces. It goes on to define the priority of landscape safety design, finds out the hidden danger, and provides proposals on the design of public landscape safety in the pedestrian space of city squares, through organic combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation for safety assessment
Key words:  landscape architecture  public safety  city square  pedestrian space  safety evaluation  landscape design
ZHOU Tiejun,ZOU Mingyan,WAN Zhanzhi.Design of Public Safety-based Pedestrian Space Landscape of City Squares—Take Three Gorges Square of Chongqing as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):30-35.